bBox_SQLiteExec(reference; sqlQuery {; parameters} )

   reference: session ID returned by bBox_SQLiteOpen
   statement: text containing one or more SQLite3 statements
   parameters: zero or more values to be used in the SQL statement(s)

   query result as text

   bBox_LastError ($reference)

Script Step:


First appeared in: 0.80

Examples in demo file: 8

Compatibility:   Client, macOS, Server, Ubuntu, WebDirect, WPE


Execute the SQLite3 statement, using zero or more SQL parameters.

There can be only one SQLite3 statement per call.

At this time, container data will be converted to its GetAsText equivalent.

Your SQL may use a FileMaker calculation using the fmevaluate function. For instance:

SELECT fmevaluate ("List (demo_EXAMPLE__filtered::name)")


bBox Functions

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