Beezwax helped the organization optimize their website, making it ready for the many new visitors and ever-increasing number of supporters.
The Challenge
NYCNVC had completed the job of putting all their history and information together and making that content available in their WordPress website. Once they reached their technical limits, however, they called on Beezwax for some help. A home page redesign was needed to offer visitors and supporters an inviting landing page, with clear information about the organization's people, activities and events.
The Beezwax Solution
Beezwax's knowledge and experience with WordPress development and support, combined with a strong HTML/CSS background was the perfect mix for this project. After working on the website's performance and addressing technical issues, we re-designied and developed the home page and implemented all the necessary plugins and features that NYCNVC needed for their visitors. Beezwax also helped their team learn how to make future modifications to their site, offering constant assistance and support. A new footer, a widget for events and a photo slideshow were some of the new features that were added.
The Success Story
Thanks to Beezwax helping NYCNVC with their website, the team was able to stay focused and move forward with other organization activities. Today, they have a much more inviting website, they are better able to communicate their events schedule, and they know a bit more about WordPress.